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The James Reeb Fund
for Multicultural Ministries and Leadership

James Reeb (1933-1965) joined many Unitarian Universalist ministers who answered the call of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., to come to Selma in the wake of Bloody Sunday. While leaving a black-owned Selma diner with two other (white) Unitarian ministers, Reeb was beaten by white assailants. He died of his injuries two days later.

The UUA Multicultural Growth & Witness staff group works to empower Unitarian Universalist congregations and community leaders to create inclusive religious communities where all people see their cultural identities reflected and affirmed in congregational life and to strive for justice in the wider world.

In addition to work with congregations and advocates, UUA’s commitment to social and racial justice initiatives extends to programs such as:

  • Finding Our Way Home – an annual retreat hosted by the UUA for Unitarian Universalist (UU) religious professionals of color
  • Mosaic Makers Conference – a gathering and learning community for teams from congregations deeply engaged in the work of building intentional multicultural community
  • Thrive – a Youth and Young Adult Ministry led leadership program for youth and young adults of color

UU’s for Black Lives Matter and Racial Justice

In 2015 a group of Black Unitarian Universalists formed the Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU) organizing collective to expand the role and visibility of Black UU’s within our faith. A special collection at the 2016 General Assembly raised more than $90,000 to directly support BLUU’s work.

Gifts to The James Reeb Fund for Multicultural Ministries and Leadership allow the UUA to continue to support these efforts by strengthening existing justice programs - including our voting rights campaign and other community based initiatives - as well as to fund new endeavors emerging to rejuvenate and amplify the racial justice movement within Unitarian Universalism and beyond.

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