Donate to Faithify Operations

Faithify's crowdfunding platform helps UUs live into the UUA's core mission of equipping congregations for vital ministry, supporting religious leaders, and advancing UU values in the world.

Through Faithify more than 300 Faithify project authors and thousands of individual backers are able to come together to build a more vibrant Unitarian Universalism.

From its beginning in 2014, hosting a project on Faithify has been free of charge. Help us continue to offer affordable, connection-based fundraising for years to come.

Faithify is a project of the Unitarian Universalist Association. To contribute to specific Faithify campaigns, please visit


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Other Ways to Give


You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference in the world. Bequests are for everyone and anyone. 

Monthly Giving

Help nurture Unitarian Universalism all year long as a monthly donor. Become a Faithful Sustainer today.

Donate Stock

It's easy to contribute stock to the UUA, your congregation or other eligible UU entity. Donating appreciated securities also offers tax advantages over cash gifts.

Image shows the Faithify logo repeated on a light blue background